Crested Auklet / Aethia cristatella

Crested Auklet / Aethia cristatella

Crested Auklet

SCI Name:  Aethia cristatella
Protonym:  Alca cristatella Spic.Zool. 1 fasc.5 p.18 pl.3,5 fig.7,8,9
Taxonomy:  Charadriiformes / Alcidae /
Taxonomy Code:  creauk
Type Locality:  Hokkaido to Kamchatka.
Publish Year:  1769
IUCN Status:  


(Alcidae; Ϯ Crested Auklet A. cristatella) Gr. αιθυια aithuia unidentified diving seabird mentioned by Aristotle, Hesychius, and other authors; in modern times associated with a variety of seabirds, including a shearwater, a cormorant, an auk, and a duck ("Ce nom est employé par quelques naturalistes pour désigne les plongeons, autrement appelés mergi et uriae" (Dumont de Sainte-Croix in Levrault 1816)); "Rostrum ascendens; apicibus utriusque mandibulae, minime sursum flexae, sed ascendentis, altioribus oris angulis—Aethia Tetracula.   ...   Crista revoluta; pennis cristae in basi erectis, inde rostrum versus valde incurvis—Aethia Cristatella.   ...   Alae brevissimae; initium caudae attigentes, nec ultra tendentes—Aethia Cristatella." (Merrem 1788 per Hartert 1916); "Aethia B. MERREM,2   ...   2 I have not seen Merrem's work, which seems to be little known.  Doctor Hartert says the German edition has only vernacular names, hence the name Aethia should, perhaps, have been credited to the Latin edition, "Primae lineae ornithologiae," of which there were two parts, published in 1787-88." (Richmonmd 1927); "Aethia Merrem, 1788, Vers. Grundr. Allg. Ges. Nat. Eintheil. Vögel, 1, Tentamen Nat. Syst. Avium, pp. 7, 13, 20. Type, by monotypy, Alca cristatella Pallas." (AOU Check-list, 6th ed., 1983, p. 246). 
Synon. Alcella, Ciceronia, Simorhynchus, Tyloramphus.

Mod. L. cristatella  little crested  < dim. L. cristatus  crested, plumed  < crista  crest, plume.
● ex “Tufted Creeper” of Latham 1787 (?syn. Cinnyris jugularis clementiae).
● ex “Crestudo amarillo” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 129 (syn. Gubernatrix cristata).