Hook-billed Bulbul / Setornis criniger

Hook-billed Bulbul / Setornis criniger

Hook-billed Bulbul

SCI Name:  Setornis criniger
Protonym:  Setornis criniger Rev.Zool. 2 p.167
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Pycnonotidae /
Taxonomy Code:  hobbul1
Type Locality:  Sumatra. 1
Publish Year:  1839
IUCN Status:  


(Pycnonotidae; Ϯ Hook-billed Bulbul S. criniger) L. seta or saeta  bristle, hair; Gr. ορνις ornis, ορνιθος ornithos  bird; "LISTE d'oiseaux nouveaux de la collection du docteur Abeillé de Bordeaux   ...   4. Setornis criniger. —  Rostro nigro, lamello nacreo marginato; pedibus incarnatis; setis buccæ lucidis, nigerrimis; plumis narium et frontis albidis; genis griseis; striga nigra anguli rostri   ...   Hab. Sumatra." (Lesson 1839); "Setornis Lesson, 1839, Rev. Zool. (Paris), 2, p. 167. Type, by monotypy, Setornis criniger Lesson." (Deignan in Peters 1960, IX, 382).
Synon. Trichophoropsis.

(Pycnonotidae; Western Bearded Greenbul C. barbatus) L. criniger  long-haired  < crinis  hair; -gera  -carrying  < gerere  to carry; "12. CRINON, Criniger.  (Temm.)  —  Caract. Bec court, fort, longicone, comprimé à la pointe, un peu élargi à la base; mandibule supérieure fléchie vers la pointe qui est un peu échancrée; base du bec garnie de très-fortes et longues soies   ...   Formé de cinq espèces nouvelles qui n'ont point de type parmi celles connue; toutes sont des côtes occidentales d'Afrique; plusieurs ont un bouquet de crins à la nuque" (Temminck 1820); "The genus Criniger may be known from all the other Bulbuls by the presence of a long pointed crest and numerous very long hairs springing from the nape or hind neck.  ...  the rictal bristles are well-developed" (Oates 1889); "Criniger Temminck, 1820, Man. d'Orn., éd. 2, pt. 1, p. lx.  Type, by subsequent designation, Criniger barbatus Temminck. (Idem, 1821, Pl. col., livr. 15, cover, and 1822, ibid., livr. 15, pl. 88.)" (Rand in Peters, 1960, IX, p. 275).  Temminck later rejected the name Criniger in favour of Trichophorus, but no name, once created, can be arbitrarily rejected, even by the original author (see Trichophorus).
Var. Griniger.
Synon. Cometes, Hypotrichas, Trichas, Trichophorus.
• (Dicruridae; syn. Dicrurus Hair-crested Drongo D. hottentottus) "14. CRINIGER SPLENDENS, T.  (Irena Puella,? Horsf.  Edolius? of Natterer.)   The bill totally dissimilar to the Drongo, with which Irena and Edolius are grouped.  It is long, hooked equally in both mandibles, nostrils denuded, and more like the bill of the Chough than any other bird.  The chief peculiarity of the bird is a crest, composed of long recumbent hairs, which ride from the head and fall back on the shoulders.  The tail is long, slightly forked; the ends of the outer feathers turned up, in the shape of a scoop.  In other respects it resembles the Drongo." (Tickell 1833); "Criniger Tickell, 1833, Journal Asiatic Soc. Bengal, II (23), p. 574 (not of Temminck, 1820).  Type, by monotypy, Criniger splendens Tickell, 1833 = Corvus hottentottus Linnaeus, 1766." (JAJ 2021).

criniger / crinigera
L. criniger  long-haired  < crinis  hair; -gera  -carrying  < gerere  to carry.
● ex “Péristère crinigère” of Hombron & Jacquinot 1845 (Gallicolumba).