Marsh Widowbird / Euplectes hartlaubi

Marsh Widowbird / Euplectes hartlaubi

Marsh Widowbird

SCI Name:  Euplectes hartlaubi
Protonym:  Penthetria hartlaubi J.Sci.Math.Phys.Nat.Lisboa(1), 6 p.259
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Ploceidae /
Taxonomy Code:  marwid1
Type Locality:  Lado. Preoccupied by Penthetria hartlaubi Barboza du Bocage, 1878, Jorn. Sci. Math. Phys. Nat. Lisboa, 24, p. 259.
Publish Year:  1878
IUCN Status:  


(Ploceidae; Ϯ Southern Red Bishop E. orix) Gr. ευ eu  fine, good; Mod. L. plectes  weaver  < Gr. πλεκω plekō  to plait; "DIVISIONS OR SUB-GENERA.  MALIMBUS. Vieil.  ...  PLOCEUS. Cuv.  ...  EUPLECTES. Nob.  Bill of Ploceus. Toes and claws very slender. The greater quills scarcely longer than the lesser; spurious quill very minute.  Type, Loxia Orix. L.  ...  The Weaving Birds, confined to the hotter regions of the old world, are chiefly found in Africa, where they represent the Hangnests (Icterinæ) of America: an analogy long since remarked by Buffon. Both these tribes astonish us by the consummate skill with which they fabricate their nests: but the intelligence displayed by the African Weavers is still more wonderful." (Swainson 1829); "Euplectes Swainson, Zool. Illustr. 2nd ser. i, text to pl. 37, 1929 [sic = 1829].  Type by original designation, Loxia orix Linn." (W. Sclater, 1930, Syst. Av. Aethiop., II, p. 759).
Var. Eupodes.
Synon. Boetticherella, Chera, Coliuspasser, Coliostruthus, Diatropura, Drepanoplectes, Groteiplectes, Hyperanthus, Niobe, Niobella, Oryx, Paraplectes, Penthetria, Penthetriopsis, Phlogoplectes, Pyromelana, Tachyplectes, Taha, Urobrachya, Xanthomelana.

Carl Johann Gustav Hartlaub (1814-1900) German ornithologist, collector (syn. Calidris falcinellusCercotrichas, syn. Corythornis cristatus cyanostigma, syn. Coua coquereli, DacnisEuplectes, syn. Euplectes gierowii ansorgei, syn. Hemicircus concretus, Horizocerus, syn. Lamprotornis chalybaeus, syn. Loriculus philippensis apicalis, syn. Neafrapus cassiniOtus, Pternistis, Tauraco).


Marsh Widowbird (humeralis)
SCI Name: Euplectes hartlaubi humeralis
Late L. humeralis  of the shoulders  < L. umerus  shoulders.
● ex “Perruche Banks” of Levaillant 1801 (syn. Lathamus discolor).
● ex “Fringilla humeralis” of Lichtenstein MS (Peucaea).
● ex “Waalia Pigeon” of Bruce 1790 (syn. Treron waalia).

Marsh Widowbird (hartlaubi)
SCI Name: Euplectes hartlaubi hartlaubi
Carl Johann Gustav Hartlaub (1814-1900) German ornithologist, collector (syn. Calidris falcinellusCercotrichas, syn. Corythornis cristatus cyanostigma, syn. Coua coquereli, DacnisEuplectes, syn. Euplectes gierowii ansorgei, syn. Hemicircus concretus, Horizocerus, syn. Lamprotornis chalybaeus, syn. Loriculus philippensis apicalis, syn. Neafrapus cassiniOtus, Pternistis, Tauraco).