Spot-breasted Ibis / Bostrychia rara

Spot-breasted Ibis / Bostrychia rara

Spot-breasted Ibis

SCI Name:  Bostrychia rara
Protonym:  Lampribis rara Novit.Zool. 4 p.377
Taxonomy:  Pelecaniformes / Threskiornithidae /
Taxonomy Code:  spbibi1
Type Locality:  Denkera, Gold Coast, ex. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877, pi. 51.
Publish Year:  1897
IUCN Status:  


(Threskiornithidae; Ϯ Wattled Ibis B. carunculata) Gr. βοστρυχιον bostrukhion  little curl, ornament  < βοστρυχος bostrukhos  curl, tendril ("The wattle is a thin, dusky red pendant, up to 20 mm long, which hangs from the lower throat" (Hancock et al. 1992) (cf. erroneous Hockey et al. 2005: "= curved , referring to curved beak")); "11. G[eronticus]. carunculatus (Rüpp.) Faun. Abyss. t. 19. - Type of Bostrychia Reich. (1845?)." (G. Gray 1847); "Genera et Species typicae.  ...  δ. *Bostrychia Wagl. carunculata (Ibis — Rüpp.) W.  Ic. Av. t. 143. ic. 1011." (Reichenbach 1852); "Bostrychia Reichenbach, 1853, Avium Systema Naturale, p. XIV.  Type, by original designation, Ibis carunculata Rüppell, 1837." (JAJ 2020).
Synon. Hagedashia, Lampribis, Oreoibis, Parnopio.

● L. rarus  rare, infrequent (Bostrychia, syn. Dendroica cerulea, Lagonosticta, subsp. Phalaenopsis griseiceps).
● Chilean onomatopoeic name Rara for the Rufous-tailed Plantcutter (Phytotoma).