Stripe-throated Wren / Cantorchilus leucopogon

Stripe-throated Wren / Cantorchilus leucopogon

Stripe-throated Wren

SCI Name:  Cantorchilus leucopogon
Protonym:  Thryophilus leucopogon Boll.Mus.Zool.Anat.Comp.Torino 14 no.357 p.6
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Troglodytidae /
Taxonomy Code:  sttwre1
Type Locality:  Rio Peripa, Pichincha, Ecuador.
Publish Year:  1899
IUCN Status:  


(Troglodytidae; Long-billed Wren T. longirostris) L. cantus  song    < canere  to sing; Gr. ορχιλος orkhilos  wren; "Wren song has long been the subject of scientific study ... as this group exhibits impressive diversity in such features as song structure, repertoire size, presence of female song, and sex-specific patterns of song use  ...  Cantorchilus, gen. nov.  Type: Thryothorus longirostris (Vieillot).  Etymology: cantus, song; orchilos, wren" (Mann et al. 2006); "Cantorchilus Mann, Barker, Graves, Dingess-Mann and Slater, 2006, Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 40 (3), p. 750+.  Type, by original designation, Thryothorus longirostris Vieillot, 1818." (JAJ 2021).

Gr. λευκος leukos  white; πωγων pōgōn, πωγωνος pōgōnos  beard.


Stripe-throated Wren (grisescens)
SCI Name: Cantorchilus leucopogon grisescens
Mod. L. griscescens, griscescentis  greyish, somewhat grey  < Med. L. griseum  grey.

Stripe-throated Wren (leucopogon)
SCI Name: Cantorchilus leucopogon leucopogon
Gr. λευκος leukos  white; πωγων pōgōn, πωγωνος pōgōnos  beard.