Bare-faced Go-away-bird / Corythaixoides personatus

Bare-faced Go-away-bird / Corythaixoides personatus

Bare-faced Go-away-bird

SCI Name:  Corythaixoides personatus
Protonym:  Chizaerhis personata Proc.Zool.Soc.London Pt10 no.108 p.8
Taxonomy:  Musophagiformes / Musophagidae /
Taxonomy Code:  bfgbir1
Type Locality:  Southern provinces of Ethiopia.
Publish Year:  1842
IUCN Status:  


(Musophagidae; Grey Go-away-bird C. concolor) Genus Corythaix Illiger, 1811, turaco; Gr. -οιδης -oidēs  resembling; the Grey Go-away-bird is a familiar bird of the southern Afrotropics, well-known for its loud, nasal cries, ‘g’WAY g’WAY’; "Corythaix concolor.   ...   Inhabits South Africa, inland of Port Natal.  It was remarked that this bird differed in several points, particularly in the form of the bill, from the typical species of the genus, and that it might hereafter require to be made the type of a new division, under the name of Corythaixoides." (A. Smith 1833); "Corythaixoides A. Smith, S. Afr. Quart. Journ. 2nd ser. p. 48, 1833.  Type by original designation, Corythaix concolor Smith." (W. Sclater, 1924, Syst. Av. Aethiop., I, p. 196).
Synon. Coliphimus, Gymnoschizorhis.

personata / personatus
L. personatus  masked  < persona  mask.
● ex “Perroquet Geoffroy” of Levaillant 1805 (syn. Geoffroyus geoffroyi).
● ex “Chouette à Masque Noir” of Levaillant 1799, pl. 44 (syn. Pulsatrix perspicillata).


Bare-faced Go-away-bird (Brown-faced)
SCI Name: Corythaixoides personatus personatus
personata / personatus
L. personatus  masked  < persona  mask.
● ex “Perroquet Geoffroy” of Levaillant 1805 (syn. Geoffroyus geoffroyi).
● ex “Chouette à Masque Noir” of Levaillant 1799, pl. 44 (syn. Pulsatrix perspicillata).

Bare-faced Go-away-bird (Black-faced)
SCI Name: Corythaixoides personatus leopoldi
● Prof. Aldo Starker Leopold (1913-1983) US author, biologist, conservationist (Agriocharis).
● Edgar Leopold Calthrop Layard (1848-1921) English diplomat, Vice-Consul at Nouméa, New Caledonia, collector (Björn Bergenholtz in litt.) (subsp. Columba vitiensis).
● Léopold II King of the Belgians (1835-1909; reigned 1865-1909), established and ruled the Congo Free State 1885-1908 (Corythaixoides, subsp. Corythornis leucogaster).