Black-breasted Puffbird / Notharchus pectoralis

Black-breasted Puffbird / Notharchus pectoralis

Black-breasted Puffbird

SCI Name:  Notharchus pectoralis
Protonym:  Bucco pectoralis Gen.Birds 1 pl.26
Taxonomy:  Galbuliformes / Bucconidae /
Taxonomy Code:  blbpuf1
Type Locality:  No locality.
Publish Year:  1846
IUCN Status:  


(Bucconidae; Ϯ White-necked Puffbird N. hyperrhynchus) Gr. νωθης nōthēs  sluggish  < νωθευω nōtheuō  to be torpid; αρχος arkhos  leader, chief  < αρχω arkhō  to rule; "Gattung Notharchus Nob. (Tamatia Scl. & Bp., nec Cuv.)  ...  Gen. NOTHARCHUS*) Nob. — Riesen-Tamatia.   Tamatia (!) Scl. 1853 & Bp. 1854 (nec Cuv. 1817).   121.—2. N. Dysoni Nob.  ?Tamatia gigas Bp. Consp. Vol. Zygod. p. 13. gen. 14. 64. — "Bucco Dysoni Gray in Mus. Brit." Scl. Proc. Z. Soc. 1855. p. 193. 2. & p. 196.   ...   122.—6. N. Swainsoni Nob.  Tamatia macrorhynchus Sws. (nec Gm.) Zool. Ill. II. t. 99.   ...   *) Wir stellen diese Riesenformen unter den Tamatia's an's Ende der Bartkuckuke und geben ihnen den neuen aus νωθης (träge) und αρχος (Herrscher) zusammengesetzten Namen Notharchus, da wir uns nicht zu Gray's Ansicht bekehren können, dass die cuvier'sche Benennung Tamatia für diese Gruppe zu adoptiren sei.   ...   Die übrigen unter einander meistens sehr nahe verwandete Arten dieses Genus sind:  1. N. hyperrhynchus Nob.   ...   3. N. macrorhynchus Nob.   ...   4. N. albicrissus Nob.   ...   5. N. napensis Nob.   ...   7. N. pectoralis Nob.   ...   8. N. Ordi Nob." (Cabanis & Heine 1863); "Notharchus Cabanis and Heine, Mus. Hein., Th. 4, 1862-63 (1863), Heft 1, p. 146, 149. Type, by subsequent designation, Bucco hyperrhynchus Sclater. (Sclater, Monogr. Jacamars and Puff-birds, 1882 [Pt. VII], p. xxxv.)" (Peters 1948, VI, 10) (see Nothriscus).
Var. Notarchus.
Synon. Capito, Megacephalus, Nothriscus.

pectorale / pectoralis
L. pectoralis  of the breast, pectoral  < pectus, pectoris  breast.
● ex “Engoulevent à collier” of Levaillant 1806 (Caprimulgus).
● ex “Janfréderic” of Levaillant 1801-1804, pl. 111 (syn. Cossypha caffra).
● ex “Austral Quail” of Latham 1823 (Coturnix).
● ex “Gold-breasted Manakin” of Latham 1801 (Euphonia).
● ex “Petit Merle brun à gorge rousse de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 644, fig. 2, and “Yellow-breasted Thrush” of Latham 1785 (syn. Gymnopithys rufigula).
● ex “Red-breasted Snipe” of Montagu 1813 (syn. Limnodromus griseus).
● ex “Black-breasted Flycatcher” of Latham 1787 (Pachycephala).
● ex “Mbatuitui pecho listado” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 389 (syn. Pluvialis dominica).
● ex “Tachurí pecho amarillo” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 165 (Polystictus).
● ex “Black-breasted Grosbeak” of Latham 1783 (syn. Sporophila americana).
● ex “Cordon Noir” of Levaillant 1805, pl. 150 (artefact).
● ex “Hausse-Col Noir” of Levaillant 1802, pl. 110 (artefact).