Blue-winged Pitta / Pitta moluccensis

Blue-winged Pitta / Pitta moluccensis

Blue-winged Pitta

SCI Name:  Pitta moluccensis
Protonym:  Turdus Moluccensis Natursyst.Suppl. Suppl. p.144
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Pittidae /
Taxonomy Code:  blwpit1
Type Locality:  Moluccas; error, emended to Tenasserim, by Baker, 1930, Fauna Brit. India, 7, p. 296; furtber emended to Malacca by Deignan, 1963, Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., 226, p. 98.
Publish Year:  1776
IUCN Status:  


(Pittidae; Ϯ Indian Pitta P. brachyura) Telugu Dravidian name pitta pretty bauble or pet; "137. BRÈVE, PittaCorvus, Linn. Gm. Lath.   Bec robuste, un peu épais à la base, droit, convexe en dessus, comprimé, pointu; mandibule supérieure échancrée vers le bout; l'inférieure entière, égale. — Ailes longues. — Queue courte.   Esp. Brève, Buff." (Vieillot 1816); "Pitta Vieillot, 1816, Analyse, p. 42. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds, p. 43), Corvus triostegus Sparrman = Corvus brachyurus Linnaeus." (Mayr in Peters 1979, VIII, 310).   
Var. Pelta.   
Synon. Austropitta, Brachyurus, Calopitta, Cervinipitta, Citta, Coloburis, Cyanopitta, Galeripitta, Melanopitta, Merula, Pulchripitta.

molucca / moluccana / moluccanus / moluccarum / moluccensis / moluccus
Moluccas, a group of islands in the Dutch East Indies / Maluku provinces, Indonesia, formerly known as the Spice Is. (Arabic name Jazirat al-Muluk  island of the kings).
● ex “Greater Cockatoo” of Edwards 1751, “Cacatua rubro cristata” of Brisson 1760, “Kakatoës à huppe rouge” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 498, and “Great red-crested Cockatoo” of Latham 1781 (Cacatua).
● ex “Gros-bec des Moluques” of Brisson 1760 (Lonchura).
● ex “Psittacus humeris luteo-maculatis” of Brisson 1760, “Lori des Moluques” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 216, “Lori Noira” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Scarlet Lori” of Edwards 1743-1751, and Latham 1781 (syn. Lorius garrulus).
● Bouro I. (= Buru); ex “Polochion” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Molucca Bee-eater” of Latham 1782: “It is called Polochion*, from its imitating the sound of that word as its common and perpetual note ...*This, in the language of those islanders, signifies, kiss us” (Philemon).
● Erroneous TL. Moluccas (= Malacca); ex “Petit pic des Moluques” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 748, fig. 2, “Petit épeiche brun des Moluques” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Brown Woodpecker” of Latham 1782 (Picoides).
● Erroneous TL. Moluccas (= Malacca); ex “Merle des Moluques” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 257 (Pitta).
● Erroneous TL. Amboina (= Botany Bay, New Holland); ex “Perruche des Moluques” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 743, and “Orange-breasted Parrot” of Latham 1781 (Trichoglossus).