Greater Hoopoe-Lark / Alaemon alaudipes

Greater Hoopoe-Lark / Alaemon alaudipes

Greater Hoopoe-Lark

SCI Name:  Alaemon alaudipes
Protonym:  Upupa alaudipes Hist.Acad.R.Sci.Paris(1787) -1787 p.504 pl.16 cdP
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Alaudidae /
Taxonomy Code:  grhlar1
Type Locality:  between Gafsa and Tozzer, Tunisia.
Publish Year:  1789
IUCN Status:  


(Alaudidae; Ϯ Greater Hoopoe Lark A. alaudipes desertorum) Gr. αλημων alēmōn, αλημονος alēmonos  wanderer  < αλαομαι alaomai  to wander; "GEN. 34.  ALAEMON.   78. AL. DESERTORUM Stanley. — Alauda desertorum Stanley. Salt's Reise app. p. LX. — Alauda bifasciata Lichtenst. Doubl. p. 28. n. 285.  In den Sandebenen Nord-Afrika's, in Candia, einzeln zufällig in Sicilien und der Provence angetroffen.   ...  Wüstenlerche." (von Keyserling & Blasius 1840); "Alaemon Keyserling and Blasius, 1840, Wirbelth. Europas, 1, p. xxvi. Type, by monotypy, Alauda desertorum Stanley." (Peters 1960, IX, p. 39).

L. alauda  lark; pes, pedis  foot  < Gr. πους pous, ποδος podos  foot.
● A seemingly pointless name for the Hoopoe Lark, but, because of its curved bill and pied wing-pattern, it was originally described as a type of hoopoe Upupa, the “Huppe aux pieds d’alouette” of Desfontaines 1789 (Alaemon).


Greater Hoopoe-Lark (Cape Verde)
SCI Name: Alaemon alaudipes boavistae
Boa Vista I., Cape Verde Is.

Greater Hoopoe-Lark (Mainland)
SCI Name: Alaemon alaudipes [alaudipes Group]
(Alaudidae; Ϯ Greater Hoopoe Lark A. alaudipes desertorum) Gr. αλημων alēmōn, αλημονος alēmonos  wanderer  < αλαομαι alaomai  to wander; "GEN. 34.  ALAEMON.   78. AL. DESERTORUM Stanley. — Alauda desertorum Stanley. Salt's Reise app. p. LX. — Alauda bifasciata Lichtenst. Doubl. p. 28. n. 285.  In den Sandebenen Nord-Afrika's, in Candia, einzeln zufällig in Sicilien und der Provence angetroffen.   ...  Wüstenlerche." (von Keyserling & Blasius 1840); "Alaemon Keyserling and Blasius, 1840, Wirbelth. Europas, 1, p. xxvi. Type, by monotypy, Alauda desertorum Stanley." (Peters 1960, IX, p. 39).