Ringed Kingfisher / Megaceryle torquata

Ringed Kingfisher / Megaceryle torquata

Ringed Kingfisher

SCI Name:  Megaceryle torquata
Protonym:  Alcedo torquata Syst.Nat.ed.12 ed.12 p.180
Taxonomy:  Coraciiformes / Alcedinidae /
Taxonomy Code:  rinkin1
Type Locality:  Martinique and Mexico.
Publish Year:  1766
IUCN Status:  


(Alcedinidae; Ϯ Crested Kingfisher M. lugubris guttulata) Gr. μεγας megas  great; genus Ceryle Boie, 1828, kingfisher. This genus consists of some of the largest kingfishers: "Die Ceryle zerfallen in die Subgenera Chloroceryle, wohin superciliosa, americana, inda (nicht gesehen), amazona und bicolor gehören; ferner in wahre Ceryle, wohin rudis zu zählen ist; 3) in das Subgenus Megaceryle mit den Arten guttata, alcyon, torquata und maxima. In dem Subgenus Ceryle tritt der längste und spitzeste Flügel auf, nimmt desshalb den zweiten Rang wie das Genus ein." (Kaup 1848); "Megaceryle Kaup (subgenus), Verh. naturhist. Ver. Grossherz. Hessen, 2, 1848, p. 68. Type, by subsequent designation, Alcedo guttata Vigors = Ceryle guttulata Stejneger (Sharpe, Monogr. Alced., 1871, p. viii.)" (Peters 1945, V, 165).
Synon. AlcyonIchthynomus, Ispida, Macroceryle, Streptoceryle.

L. torquatus  collared  < torques  collar, necklace  < torquere  to twist.
● ex “Pato collar negro” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 441 (syn. Callonetta leucophrys).
● ex “Guira-querea” of Ray 1713, “Tette-Chèvre du Brésil” of Brisson 1760, and “Gold-collared Goatsucker” of Latham 1783 (Hydropsalis).
● ex “Rasle à collier des Philippines” of Brisson 1760 (Hypotaenidia).
● ex “Martin-pescheur hupé du Méxique” of Brisson 1760 (Megaceryle).
● ex “Fourmilier de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 700, fig. 1 (Myrmornis).
● ex “Chouette à Collier” of Levaillant 1799, pl. 42 (syn. Pulsatrix perspicillata).
● ex “Maizi de Miacatototl” of Seba 1734, and de Buffon 1770-1783, “Manacus torquatus” of Brisson 1760, and “Collared Manakin” of Latham 1783 (unident.).


Ringed Kingfisher (Northern)
SCI Name: Megaceryle torquata torquata/stictipennis
(Alcedinidae; Ϯ Crested Kingfisher M. lugubris guttulata) Gr. μεγας megas  great; genus Ceryle Boie, 1828, kingfisher. This genus consists of some of the largest kingfishers: "Die Ceryle zerfallen in die Subgenera Chloroceryle, wohin superciliosa, americana, inda (nicht gesehen), amazona und bicolor gehören; ferner in wahre Ceryle, wohin rudis zu zählen ist; 3) in das Subgenus Megaceryle mit den Arten guttata, alcyon, torquata und maxima. In dem Subgenus Ceryle tritt der längste und spitzeste Flügel auf, nimmt desshalb den zweiten Rang wie das Genus ein." (Kaup 1848); "Megaceryle Kaup (subgenus), Verh. naturhist. Ver. Grossherz. Hessen, 2, 1848, p. 68. Type, by subsequent designation, Alcedo guttata Vigors = Ceryle guttulata Stejneger (Sharpe, Monogr. Alced., 1871, p. viii.)" (Peters 1945, V, 165).
Synon. AlcyonIchthynomus, Ispida, Macroceryle, Streptoceryle.

Ringed Kingfisher (Patagonian)
SCI Name: Megaceryle torquata stellata
stellata / stellatus
L. stellatus starry, starred, set with stars < stella star.
● ex “Colymbus maximus stellatus” of Willughby 1676 (Gavia).
● ex “Étoilé” of Levaillant 1805, pl. 157 (Pogonocichla).