Wren-like Rushbird / Phleocryptes melanops

Wren-like Rushbird / Phleocryptes melanops

Wren-like Rushbird

SCI Name:  Phleocryptes melanops
Protonym:  Sylvia melanops Nouv.Dict.Hist.Nat. 11 p.232
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Furnariidae /
Taxonomy Code:  wrlrus1
Type Locality:  Paraguay.
Publish Year:  1817
IUCN Status:  


(Furnariidae; Ϯ Wren-like Rushbird P. melanops) Gr. φλεως phleōs  reed; κρυπτης kruptēs  hider, spy (originally a member of the Spartan secret service)  < κρυπτω kruptō  to hide; "Gen. PHLEOCRYPTES *) nov. gen. — Binsensteiger.   98.  1. P. melanops Nob.   Sylvia melanops Vieill. N. D. II. p. 232. — Id. Enc. p. 434. — Synallaxis dorsomaculatus Orb. & Lafr. Syn. p. 21. 1. — Orb. Voy. p. 237. — Synallaxis dorsomaculata Id. l. l. t. 14. 1-2. — Oxyurus dorsomaculatus Gould Voy. Beagl. p. 82. — Synallaxis melanops Gray Gen. B. I. p. 136. — Bathmidura dorsomaculata Rchb. Handb. I. p. 164. 365. t. 522. 3615.   ...   99.  2. P. schoenobaenus **) nov. sp.  Simillimus praecedenti, sed multo maior, rostro longiore   ...   *) Von φλεως (Binse) und κρυπτω (sich verbergen). Der verhältnissmässig längere, gestrecktere Schnabel, der kürzere, stufenförmige, weniger rigide Schwanz und die stärker entwickelten Zehen charakterisiren diese Gattung. Ebenso deutet die eigenthümliche an unsere Schilfrohrsänger (Calamodus Kaup) erinnernde Rückenfärbung auf die durch d'Orbigny's Beobachtungen bestätigte Lebensweise hin. — **) Dieser von dem Reisendem Warscewicz in den Binsen am Titicaca-See aufgefundene Vogel ist der grössere, nördliche Repräsentant des vorigen und die zweite gute Art dieser Gattung." (Cabanis & Heine 1859); "Phleocryptes Cabanis and Heine, Mus. Hein., Th. 2, 1859-60 (1859), p. 26. Type, by subsequent designation, P. melanops = Sylvia melanops Vieillot (Sclater, Cat. Bds. Brit.Mus., 15, 1890, p. 33)." (Peters 1951, VII, 73).
Var. Phloeocryptes, Phloecryptus.

Gr. μελας melas, μελανος melanos  black; ωψ ōps, ωπος ōpos  face.
● ex “Rollier à Masque Noir” or “Kaialora de la Nouvelle Hollande” of Levaillant 1802, and “Black-faced Crow” of Latham 1802 (subsp. Coracina novaehollandiae).
● ex “Streaked Falcon” of Latham 1787 (Leucopternis).
● ex “Ypacahá cara negra” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 373 (Porphyriops).
● ex “Lindo pardo copete amarillo” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 101 (Trichothraupis).


Wren-like Rushbird (brunnescens)
SCI Name: Phleocryptes melanops brunnescens
Mod. L. brunnescens, brunnescentis  somewhat brown, brownish  < brunneus  brown  < Med. L. brunius  brown.

Wren-like Rushbird (schoenobaenus)
SCI Name: Phleocryptes melanops schoenobaenus
Gr. σχοινος skhoinos  reed; βαινω bainō  to walk.
● “This rather strange name is a literal translation of the old Swedish name for the Sedge Warbler, “Sävstigare” which translates as reed-climber or reed-treader. The name is now obsolete” (Tommy Tyrberg in litt.); ex “Muscicapa testaceo-fusca, subtus pallide testacea, capite maculato” of Linnaeus 1746 (Acrocephalus).

Wren-like Rushbird (loaensis)
SCI Name: Phleocryptes melanops loaensis
Río Loa, Antofagasta, Chile.

Wren-like Rushbird (melanops)
SCI Name: Phleocryptes melanops melanops
Gr. μελας melas, μελανος melanos  black; ωψ ōps, ωπος ōpos  face.
● ex “Rollier à Masque Noir” or “Kaialora de la Nouvelle Hollande” of Levaillant 1802, and “Black-faced Crow” of Latham 1802 (subsp. Coracina novaehollandiae).
● ex “Streaked Falcon” of Latham 1787 (Leucopternis).
● ex “Ypacahá cara negra” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 373 (Porphyriops).
● ex “Lindo pardo copete amarillo” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 101 (Trichothraupis).